Reception 2023 - 2024

Miss Ingham

Mrs Anderson

Mr Wildey

Our Reception Team


Miss Ingham (RI), Mrs Anderson (RA) and Mr Wildey (Thursdays and Fridays)

Education Support Assistant Team

Mrs Drewell, Mrs Critchlow, Mrs Paton

Our rationale for learning in EYFS

At St James’ Academy we provide opportunities for children to enhance their knowledge and understanding through exploration and being creative in provision, both indoors and outdoors. Children are challenged on their thinking, problem solving skills and physical developments through well thought out questioning and high-quality resources to support them. Children are building skills to be school ready and adults are preparing them for their future.  


Regular Weekly Timetable

We use Read Write Inc to teach phonics in Reception. RWI and Maths are taught on a daily basis, as are teacher-led inputs that are based on children's interests.

In addition to this, children take part in child-initiated learning in both the indoor and outdoor provisions. 

Extra adult-led sessions are held throughout the weekly timetable. All classes throughout school hava a weekly library session.

We use Tapestry as a way of communication with parents. Adults in school can upload photos of children learning, and parents and carers are able to reply or upload photos of children's learning at home. 

Homework: Our homework focuses on basic skills that support the foundations of learning: spellings, number facts and reading (listening to your children read). Homework will be available on Tapestry and spellings and reading homework will be given each week. Maths homework will be completed through White Rose Maths Hub 1 Minute Maths (this will begin after October half term) and Numbots (which will be introduced later on in the school year). How to use White Rose Maths Hub 1 Minute Maths is available below to download.

Tuesday: PE

Tuesday: Library

Here is our long-term plan, showing themes for learning over the year:



Below you will see our curriculum overview for Summer 1, which shows what children's learning will focus on:

EYFS Summer 1 2024.png


In the files below you will find the curriculum overviews from Autumn, Spring and Summer 1 as well as:

  • The I can Help information that was shared with parents in October 2023
  • A Powerpoint useful for parents who are looking to join our Reception in September 2024


Cannon Hall Farm Visit

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We held our New to Reception Parents meeting on Tuesday 25th June. You can find the presentation that was shared with parents in the files section below. 

Files to Download

Reception: News items

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Reception: Blog items

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Reception: Gallery items

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Let's Connect

Who We Are

Crigglestone St JamesCE Primary Academy

St James Way,