Years 1 & 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Haigh
Miss Rouse
Miss Briscoe
Our Year 1 & 2 Team
Class TeachersMrs Haigh (1AH), Miss Briscoe (1/2MB) and Mrs McCarney (2AM) |
Educational Support AssistantMiss Akhtar, Miss Hulme, Mrs Shaw, Mrs Walsh, Mrs Bluff, Mrs Critchlow, Mrs Paton, Mrs Treherne, |
Regular Weekly Timetable
We use Read Write Inc to teach phonics in Key Stage 1. Phonics is taught daily to all children in Key Stage 1. This supports their decoding and reading skills. At the end of Year 1 (usualy at the beginning of June) all Year 1 chidlren complete a phonics screening check. This is done in an informal manner with children. Children have practise tests throughout the year so that they are familiar with the process. If children do not pass their phonics, they re-sti the phonics screening check in Year 2 (with the Y1 children). Children who do not pass in Year 2 have additional phonics and further interventions in Year 3, to support their reading.
Children in Year 2 continue learning phonics using RWI, if needed. Once they have completed the RWI scheme, they move on to daily Guided Reading sessions.
Children in Key Stage 1 also have daily maths and writing lessons, generally in the morning. The afternoons usually focus on wider curriculum lessons, for example Art and History.
- Tuesday - Class 2
- Wednesday - Class 1
- Thursday - Class 1/2
- Tuesday - Class 2
- Wednesday - Class 1
- Thursday - Class 1/2
HOMEWORK: Our homework focuses on basic skills that support the foundations of learning: spellings, number facts/times tables and reading (listening to your children read).
TT ROCKSTARS: Your child can use these safely at home at any point under your supervision and monitoring. TT Rockstars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times table practice. You can also check on their progress at any stage. Children have their own log ins to access TT Rockstars at home. Other maths apps may also be used, information will be shared by class teachers.
NUMBOTS: Your child can use Numbots safely at home at any point under your supervision and monitoring. Numbots is all about every child achieving the "triple win" of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. Children have their own log in which is in their reading record.
MYMATHS: MyMaths is an interactive online teaching and homework subscription website for schools that builds pupil engagement and consolidates maths knowledge. Each week children will be set an online homework to complete. There are also a range of games for the children to play which link to what they have been learning in class.
1 MINUTE MATHS (WHITE ROSE MATHS HUB): 1-Minute Maths offers children engaging and easily accessible practice in basic number. There's no specific route or starting point. Having chosen a topic, each user answers a series of randomly generated questions (a different set of questions every time means they learn the concept, not a sequence of answers).
READING BOOKS: Reading books are handed out on Friday and are to be returned on the following Thursday. Please read as regularly as possible with your children. Children will be given a reading book in class on a Monday. They will practise this throughout the week as an individual reader and with an adult (this will help with their fluency and confidence reading). On Friday they will then take this book home to read to parents and showcase their reading ability and comprehension of the book.
As we have a mixed Year 1 / Year 2 class, as well as a Year 1 class and a Year 2 class, we have a 2 year rolling programme to ensure that all aspects of the curriculum are taught in a progressive manner. Children build upon prior learning, they do not simply repeat learning. Below is our 2 year curriculum overview for KS1, showing areas of learning for each Foundation Subject. We are currently in Year A. We will move to Year B in September 2025.
To see the whole school curriculum overview, you can download the file at the bottom of the page.
The I Can Help Information that was shared with parents in October 2023 can be found in the files below.
Please find below the overview of learning in KS1 for Summer term 2024
You can find the curriculum overviews for Autumn 2023 and Spring 2024 in the files section below.