
Crigglestone St James CE Primary Academy: Governing Body 2023-24

We have 2 Members: Keith Wainwright and Susan Shaw. The Members attend the AGM in the Autumn term and meet once in the middle of the year, as part of their due diligence.

Carolyn Sadler is Chair of the Governing body. If you would like to contact our Chair, please telephone the school office who will pass your details on to her, or you can email direct


Mrs Carolyn Sadler Chair of the Standards Committee/Chair of Pay & Appraisal Committee/Writing/Wider Curriculum & All Saints Partnership Chair Governing Body
Co-opted Governor
Miss Beverley Minor Headteacher/Standards Committee/Resources Committee/Pay & Appraisal Committee/All Saints Partnership/Safeguarding//Wider Curriculum/Wellbeing/Pupil Premium Headteacher
Mrs Rebecca Dent Deputy Headteacher/Standards Committee/Resources Committee/Safer Recruitment/Wellbeing/Wider Curriclulm  Staff Governor
Mrs Claire Holding Standards Committee/Headteacher Appraisal/Special Educational Needs/Safeguarding/Early Years/Phonics/Wider Curriculum/All Saints Partnership Parent Governor
Mrs Sarah Lodge Chair of the Resources Committee/Reading Parent Governor
Mrs Nicola Priestley Resources Committee/Headteacher Appraisal/Maths & Wider Curriculum Foundation Governor 
Ms Victoria Callaghan TBC Foundation Governor

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Who We Are

Crigglestone St JamesCE Primary Academy

St James Way,